주택담보대출(주택담보대출) LTV DTI 차주단위 DSR 40% 이해하고 한도 계산하기

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9월부터 스트레스 DSR 2단계가 적용된다는 뉴스를 보신 것 같은데요. 스트레스 DSR이 적용되면 주택담보대출 한도가 기존보다 줄어들게 돼 최근 신규로 주택담보대출을 받는 분들이 늘었습니다. 그럼 주택담보대출을 받을 때 꼭 알아야 할 LTV, DTI, DSR 등에 대해 알아보는 시간을 가져보려고 합니다. 1. 주택 융자 9월부터 스트레스 DSR 2단계가 적용된다는 뉴스를 보신 것 같은데요. 스트레스 DSR이 적용되면 주택담보대출 한도가 기존보다 줄어들게 돼 최근 신규로 주택담보대출을 받는 분들이 늘었습니다. 그럼 주택담보대출을 받을 때 꼭 알아야 할 LTV, DTI, DSR 등에 대해 알아보는 시간을 가져보려고 합니다. 1. 주택 융자

tierramallorca, 출처 Unsplash tierramallorca, 출처 Unsplash

I have a lot of cash, so how good would it be if I paid all the cash without a loan when I bought my own house? However, there are not many such cases. (I’m jealous that celebrities and sports stars buy houses with full cash.) If I can’t buy them with full cash, I have to borrow money with my house as collateral. This is called a mortgage or a mortgage. Mortgage loans are based on collateral rather than personal credit, so you can take out loans for a long time at a large amount. However, the limit is determined according to the criteria of LTV, DTI, and DSR, not only the amount of mortgage loans you want. 2. LTV, DTI, DSR 의미 1) LTV (Loan To Value Ratio) I have a lot of cash, so how good would it be if I paid all the cash without a loan when I bought my own house? However, there are not many such cases. (I’m jealous that celebrities and sports stars buy houses with full cash.) If I can’t buy them with full cash, I have to borrow money with my house as collateral. This is called a mortgage or a mortgage. Mortgage loans are based on collateral rather than personal credit, so you can take out loans for a long time at a large amount. However, the limit is determined according to the criteria of LTV, DTI, and DSR, not only the amount of mortgage loans you want. 2. LTV, DTI, DSR 의미 1) LTV (Loan To Value ratio)

LTV refers to the percentage of the recognized asset value of the house provided as collateral. The value is calculated based on the KB market price. The KB market price is based on apartments and officetels with more than 50 households, and small houses and villas are based on separate standards in the financial sector that handle products. The scope of LTV applies from at least 20% to up to 80% depending on conditions such as housing prices, regulated areas, newlyweds, and the first time of their lives. KB market price 500 million-LTV 60%: loan limit 300 million-LTV 70%: loan limit 350 million-LTV 80%: loan limit 400 million KB market price 1 billion-LTV 60%: loan limit 600 million-LTV 70%: loan limit 7002) DTI (Debt To Income) LTV refers to the proportion of certified asset values of houses provided as collateral. The value is calculated based on the KB market price. The KB market price is based on apartments and officetels with more than 50 households, and small houses and villas are based on separate standards in the financial sector that handle products. The scope of LTV applies from at least 20% to up to 80% depending on conditions such as housing prices, regulated areas, newlyweds, and the first time of their lives. KB market price 500 million-LTV60%: loan limit 300 million-LTV70%: loan limit 350 million-LTV80%: loan limit 400 million KB market price 1 billion-LTV60%: loan limit 600 million-LTV70%: loan limit 7002) DTI (Debt To Income)

DTI is the rate at which the ability to repay financial liabilities is calculated by income and the loan limit is determined. The DTI ratio is determined by all amounts, including annual income, principal and interest on mortgage loans, and interest payments on other debts, including credit loans. In general, if the income is high, the DTI will have to be low. DTI is applicable from 40% to 60% in accordance with regulatory regions and the requirements of first-time home buyers. Mortgage principal and interest on other debts: KRW 20 million per year – Annual income: 20% DTI ratio – Annual income: KRW 50 million – 40% DTI ratio) DSR (Debt to Service Ratio) DTI is a ratio that determines the loan limit by calculating the ability to repay financial debts by income. The DTI ratio is determined by all amounts, including annual income, principal and interest on mortgage loans, and interest payments on other debts, including credit loans. In general, if the income is high, the DTI will have to be low. DTI is applicable from 40% to 60% in accordance with regulatory regions and the requirements of first-time home buyers. Mortgage principal and interest on other liabilities: KRW 20 million per year – Annual income: 20% DTI ratio – Annual income: KRW 50 million: 40% DTI ratio) DSR (Debt to Service Ratio)

DSR is the ratio of mortgage principal and interest to repayment of other debt principal and interest, such as credit loans. Other liabilities are mainly credit loans. In the case of credit loans, it has to be renewed on a one-year basis, so the proportion of credit loans applied on a principal basis is much higher than that applied on an interest basis. DSR per borrower will be applied from 2021, and from 2022, 40% of DSR per borrower and 50% of DSR per borrower will be applied to the first financial sector for more than 100 million loans. The strongest regulation among LTV, DTI, and DSR is generally the strongest among LTV, DTI, and DSR, which is 20 million won per year – 100 million won per year – 20 percent per year – 50 million won per year – 40 percent per year. 3. Since DSR is applied to LTV, DTI, and DTI using DSR computers, it is meaningless, so we would like to use the calculation centered on LTV and DSR. DSR is the ratio of mortgage principal and interest to repayment of other debt principal and interest, such as credit loans. Other liabilities are mainly credit loans. In the case of credit loans, it has to be renewed on a one-year basis, so the proportion of credit loans applied on a principal basis is much higher than that applied on an interest basis. DSR per borrower will be applied from 2021, and from 2022, 40% of DSR per borrower and 50% of DSR per borrower will be applied to the first financial sector for more than 100 million loans. The strongest regulation among LTV, DTI, and DSR is generally the strongest among LTV, DTI, and DSR, which is 20 million won per year – 100 million won per year – 20 percent per year – 50 million won per year – 40 percent per year. 3. Since DSR is applied to LTV, DTI, and DTI using DSR computers, it is meaningless, so we would like to use the calculation centered on LTV and DSR.

First of all, the LTV calculator can be calculated immediately by entering new houses, the number of houses owned, the region, and the market price. First of all, the LTV calculator can be calculated immediately by entering new houses, the number of houses owned, the region, and the market price.

If you compare Gangnam-gu, Seoul, which is a regulated area, and Gangdong-gu, Seoul, which is a non-regulated area, you can immediately understand the limit. If the market price of collateral is 1 billion, the LTV loan limit-regulated area is 50% homeless, 80% for the first time in life, 30% for one house-unregulated area, 70% for the first time in life, 80% for the first time in life, and 80% for the first time in life. If you compare Gangnam-gu, Seoul, which is a regulated area, and Gangdong-gu, Seoul, which is a non-regulated area, you can immediately understand the limit. If the market price of collateral is 1 billion, the LTV loan limit-regulated area is 50% homeless, 80% for the first time in life, 30% for one house-unregulated area, 70% for the first time in life, 80% for the first time in life, and 80% for the first time in life.

The DSR calculator can also be calculated immediately by entering annual income, mortgage amount, duration, interest rate, and repayment method. If you have additional debts, such as credit loans, you must enter them together. Let’s do some calculations with a few examples. – Annual income of 100 million to 300 million loans (30 years, equal repayment of principal and interest) DSR calculators can also be calculated immediately by entering annual income, mortgage amount, period, interest rate, and repayment method. If you have additional debts, such as credit loans, you must enter them together. Let’s do some calculations with a few examples. – Annual income of 100 million – 300 million loans (30 years, equal repayment of principal and interest)

If you calculate when the mortgage rate is 3% and 5%, there is no big difference between 15.18% when it is 3% and 19.33% when it is 5%. If you calculate when the mortgage rate is 3% and 5%, there is no big difference between 15.18% when it is 3% and 19.33% when it is 5%.

However, if the principal interest repayment amount of other debts is 15 million won and 25 million won, DSR will soar to 34.33% and 44.33%. If you apply DSR, you can see that it really hurts those who have credit loans. However, if the principal interest repayment amount of other debts is 15 million won and 25 million won, DSR will soar to 34.33% and 44.33%. If you apply DSR, you can see that it really hurts those who have credit loans.

So far, I’ve seen mortgage loans, LTV, DTI, DSR, etc. There is a big difference in the limit depending on each regulation, so please check in advance before proceeding. Thank you. So far, I’ve seen mortgage loans, LTV, DTI, DSR, etc. There is a big difference in the limit depending on each regulation, so please check in advance before proceeding. Thank you.

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