오늘은 해산물파뤼파뤼 제철해산물 석굴과 가리비찜

At first, I tried to boil it in water, but I said I had to steam it, so I put a steamer on it and steam itIngredients for preparation Middle-aged red pepper vinegar, plum syrup, sugar, pepper sesame oil#Season Seafood #Season Seafood #Garabi #Seafood Parutivoda is in Yeosu’s steamed stone cave, and now it’s in season, so I order Divibbi Tongyeong direct delivery scallops and stone oysters for Number Street. LOL. Fish from the sea is very cozy, but seaweed and seafood are very delicious. Seafood Parut Parutavu~feat scallops and stone oystersI asked them to live in the sea and took them out lolSeokgurans seem to hug their mouths like scallops, so they open their mouths and forcefully peel themJust a little bit. Shake it. Shake itIt’s salty and tasteless, and the stone cave has only a lot of yarns and shells, and not a single plate is hereI ate 2kg of scallops and 3kg of oysters by myself, but I’m still full~ㅍI’m sure it was the same seller, but it was shipped directly to Tongyeong, so it was delivered in two ice boxesIt doesn’t taste that good eitherIt’s really small. It’s small!!!!!But don’t let it boil and overflow. Chan. GaScallops are as big as beans, so I can see themAnd the scallops poured too much water, so the stone cave poured a little bitWhen I boil it, it’s a bit empty~~^^;;;The scallop was small to look at, but it turned out that the size of a bean was a scallop or cockle~ LOLOne doesn’t taste like chewing, so I put two or three in my mouth, but you don’t even feel itEven if you boil it for more than 30 minutes, you can’t open your mouth and get tired of waitingI can’t close the lid, so I left it open, and it’s just opened. It’s overflowing~^^;;After washing it in waterYorin who doesn’t know how to cook a meal a day. Steamed SeafoodThere’s only one steamer, so I had no choice but to eat the scallops firstI don’t eat and hang up, but there’s only one pot that can be steamedIf there’s something lacking after tasting it, I’ll add more to my taste. Of courseI ate 2kg of scallops and 3kg of stone oysters, but I’m not full. LOL. The weather of the seasonal seafood scallops and stone caves is also chilly, so drink it and recharge with the seasonal seafood…Steamed Seokgul Cave was so gross that it was messy that it was not trimmed, but small clams attached to the cave were removed and washedI ordered 2kg of yumgarabi and 3kg of stone oysters, but when I got up to 3kg of stone oysters, I couldn’t get a single plate!!!!There’s no red pepper paste next to me quietly, so I’m going to make it myself. Should I make red pepper paste around hereSeokguram is fun to forget, but the color of the water inside the cave is so drearyIt’s a rat that poured too much water, but it’s overflowing with water to the level of boiling~@.@

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